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Salaries and Allowances for Relocating Nurses ››

Are you moving to Ireland to pursue nursing? Learn more about the salaries you can expect!

Relocation Series: Employment Rights ››

The next part of our relocation series is now live! This month we're looking at employment rights of workers in Ireland

Irish Therapy Dogs ››

Learn more about Irish Therapy Dogs in our latest blog post!

Moving into Supervising Pharmacy Roles ››

Thinking of becoming a supervising pharmacist? Here are 4 reasons why it might be for you!

5 Reasons to Move from Locuming to a Full Time Pharmacy Position ››

Following our recent survey, we've put together a list of reasons why pharmacists should consider a full time role.

Clinical Nurse Manager 2 Role in Cork Blood Transfusion Clinic ››

Find out more today about our new partnership with a Cork based blood transfusion clinic

7 Reasons to Choose Cork for Your Next Nursing Role ››

Thinking of moving to Cork? Check out these top 7 attractions to pass the time in between your nursing shifts!

Sláintecare: What Does it Mean for Nurses? ››

Learn more about Sláintecare and the opportunities it presents for nurses in Ireland.

Community Nurse Roles in Ireland ››

We're hiring community nurses all over the country. Learn more or apply today!

ICGP Urgent Action Request ››

Family doctors - Ireland needs you!

Pharmacy Survey Results 2023 ››

A brief summary of findings from our recent pharmacy survey.

Relocation Series: Salaries and Taxes in Ireland ››

Moving to Ireland? The next part of relocation series looks at salaries and taxes that you can expect once you move.
