This website uses cookies installed by the following three third-party service providers:
Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics tracking which has been set to anonymise traffic data, so we cannot identify users or access any personal data.
Google Analytics with anonymised IP works by shortening Users' IP addresses within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. This information is stored by Google Inc. and subject to their privacy policy, which can be viewed here:
Opt-out: Google have developed a Google Analytics opt-out browser extension to provide the ability to prevent any data from being collected for analytics:
Use of your personal information
We respect your right to privacy. Where personal details are submitted by users, either by email or via telephone, this information is treated in strict confidence. This information may be shared by consultants working within the Clarity Group, but will never be supplied or sold to any third parties for the purposes of selling or marketing to you. We have done our utmost to ensure that any data is stored securely and effectively, to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure of same.